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Simplify your HR activities in the Digital World

By : MiHCM | Reporter

From the hiring of to the retirement of an employee, the HR team needs to be on their toes when managing their company’s HR activities accurately and without errors. To do so, there are various activities the HR team must be mindful of in order to create the ideal workplace environment for their staff and management to do their best work.


Amidst the current socio-economic situation in the world in the aftermath of The Pandemic, HR teams are required to focus on employee well-being and sentiments, and emotionally mature management practices. Amidst these demands of the day, HR personnel are still also required to facilitate and administrate mundane, time-consuming HR activities on a day-to-day basis. It is therefore essential that they manage these activities skillfully and efficiently.


However, is this even possible with all the documentation creation and management they have to look into throughout the day? These tasks are particularly challenging if they are completed manually and not digitally. Furthermore, is it feasible to maintain physical documentation within the ‘Hybrid-Working’ and ‘Working from Home’ work formats which gained popularity during the height of The Pandemic?


The answer is no. With these changes within the work environment, companies have been faced with new challenges. Some of these have even resulted in employee burnout which increases employee turnover. One of the ways of overcoming these challenges is the adoption of a digital transformation.


The term ‘Human Resources’ itself was formed with the core intention of effectively managing the ‘employees’ of the company towards achieving the company’s goals. Unless the mundane but compulsory tasks that HR must complete on a routine basis are simplified, the HR Team will simply not have enough time to effectively engage with and work to maximise employee well-being.


Our proven MiHCM Digital HR system would help you to ease the burden of these mundane HR activities on your HR Team. Whether yours is a small business or a large enterprise, MiHCM provides a comprehensive, modular and scalable solution which can be adjusted to satisfy the unique requirements of your business. The system facilitates the easy and automated completion of routine HR activities, the provisioning of statutory reports, comprehensive workforce analytics dashboards and more; providing HR Professionals with all the key functionalities required by them within an easy-access cloud-based system. MiHCM helps you remain steadfast amidst a world of changing technology with its complete HR and Employee Experiences, whilst granting access to the ideal employee experience for any industry vertical. MiHCM possesses an extensive global clientele in diverse industry verticals, and is designed to run on Microsoft Azure infrastructure; demonstrating its reliability and security.

MiHCM Enterprise



Even if your employee headcount is relatively low, your key HR activities will remain the same. Whatever the size of your company, as a HR professional, you have to ensure that attendance, leave and payroll is executed properly. MiHCM Lite is a true digital HR experience tailor-made for small businesses, and offers all the key components required to optimize HR operations from hiring to retirement. Furthermore, MiHCM Lite is built intuitive and easy to deploy and use, making the implementation cycle both faster and shorter.

MiHCM Lite



Data, insights and analytics plays an integral role in the decision-making process. This is why companies are increasingly interested in workforce analytics. MiHCM Analytics deliver insights for your digital workforce which helps implement data-driven decision making. MiHCM Analytics allows you to connect your own siloed data to create deeper insights, and provides Machine Learning based data clustering and predictive insights.

MiHCM Analytics



Our stack of solutions doesn’t stop there. We also possess a one-of-a-kind solution which runs on Microsoft Teams™; MiA Assistant for Microsoft Teams. This is a workplace virtual assistant which will be an easily accessible HR and productivity tool for your employees. MiA provides a unique and powerful value proposition to any organisation. With MiA, your employees will no longer have to switch between apps to complete HR Self Service such as applying for leave, check-in, check-out etc. Furthermore, MiA would even help maximise employee engagement by constantly tracking employee satisfaction levels, allowing you to create and send your own surveys, and tracking employee fitness activity. These are just a few of the many use cases that MiA possesses. Visit our website to find out more!

MiA - Workplace Virtual Assistant


In conclusion, HR activities are crucial for the smooth functioning of any organization. However, managing these activities can be both time-consuming and stressful, particularly in a hybrid work environment. This is where the MiHCM Digital HR solution comes in, offering a suite of products to simplify and streamline HR processes, from hiring to retirement. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, MiHCM has the right solution for you. From HR and employee experience management, to workforce analytics and a virtual assistant, MiHCM has got you covered. By adopting these solutions, HR professionals can free up time and focus on what’s truly important – the well-being of their employees. So don’t delay, embrace the future of work with the MiHCM Digital HR solution today!

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