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Optimize Time & Attendance management with Digital HR

By : MiHCM | Reporter

It is no secret that keeping track of employee attendance, managing complex rosters, overtime and other schedules are among the most painful tasks in an organisation. Organisations have been struggling to manage these processes effectively with traditional and manual techniques. However, over the past decade, we have seen the technology coming to the aid of this problem, but are you up-to-date on these technologies? Are you using the most advanced technology to save your time and energy in keeping track? If you’re left in doubt, then this is a must read.

While fingerprint/biometric scanners are still being used to track employee attendance, it’s quite important to implement a convenient time and attendance software solution to manage complex rosters, to ensure time and attendance related processes are managed as per the leave policies of the organisation.

We’ve discussed how the workforce is getting transformed globally. Organisations encourage their workforce to work online, hence employees tend to work at flexible hours from various locations. Thus, a traditional attendance management system that runs only with bio metric attendance device will not help organisations to manage this new mobile workforce.

The easiest way to check-in and check-out will be from the employees’ own devices as they’re easily accessible regardless of where they are. However, there have to be protocols on tagging their locations and maintaining the security and privacy. This is where time and attendance solutions powered by mobile capabilities are useful for organisations with a mobile workforce. Mobile applications that provide a range of attendance related functionality should be introduced to your organisation. Employees should be able to mark their presence and manage their routine leave applications etc. through a convenient device. Automated time and attendance systems will give the perfect solution for all these headaches. Through your mobile device, you can use your fingerprint to check-in and check-out, and your location will be tagged so that the system will be able to identify if you’re present at your workplace, or not. The Digital HR platform will then calculate your working hours, and determine your early departure etc. up to the process of calculating your monthly allowance through one system!

Not only your employees, even the team leaders should be able to approve leave requests and monitor the rosters and schedules via the mobile device without always having to log on to the work computer from office. Digital HR platforms introduce a sophisticated set of analytics to optimize time and attendance practices of an organisation. It also enables business leaders to view location wise present/absent headcounts, analyse the leave utilization of employees based on their job categories, age or service years, keep track on the peak working hours and the lost hours, (hours that employees have not worked, for an example, the lunch period) etc. and also provides necessary graphs and charts to visualize these analytics, as they make the HR software solution a handy tool for business leaders. We barely see the C-level of an organisation using the HR software for decision making. Now the digital technology offers in-depth insights on many HR related areas including attendance which makes your HR platform user friendly to all stakeholders in the organisation.

Digital HR does not benefit the employees only. It also benefits employers, business pioneers tremendously. You can eliminate the over payments, prevent time-theft and accumulate insights to make smarter and more strategic decisions.

The HR department can finally take their minds off of the complex task of keeping track on every move on the employee with the Digital HR on the move. The time and energy saved can be put much intense talent management decisions. Keeping all these in mind, organisations should immediately take action to move to a digitized time and attendance system. Witness the advanced technology we have used in our HCM Cloud to handle time and attendance.

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