Say YES to a new Performance Appraisal model with Digital HR!

Setting goals in line with the mission is important for an organisation to accomplish its mission in the long run. In any organisation, goals, KPIs, assessment on competencies are the key to analyse and develop the performance of employees in order to make the organisation prosper. This is why aligning goals of each and every […]

Optimize Time & Attendance management with Digital HR

It is no secret that keeping track of employee attendance, managing complex rosters, overtime and other schedules are among the most painful tasks in an organisation. Organisations have been struggling to manage these processes effectively with traditional and manual techniques. However, over the past decade, we have seen the technology coming to the aid of […]

Future-ready Business & Workplace with Digital HR

Long gone are the days with organisations with stacks of files and typewriters. Millennials have stepped into the digital era and adapted quite well. The computers, mobiles, Wi-Fi and the digitization does not feel strange anymore. However, few organisations weighed down by tradition and legacy practices are still hesitant to move forward.

How will HR and Business leaders drive Employee Engagement?

The global workforce is getting transformed with more millennials joining the workforce. What we hear is that this generation requires a different workplace experience with constant feedback, instant recognition. Feedback and recognition are only 2 elements of Millennials’ workplace expectations. This generation needs to be continuously engaged and involved with the organisation.

Reimagined Talent Acquisition with Digital HR

Talent Acquisition, the task of attracting, sourcing, recruiting and hiring employees is not an easy task to be carried out manually. It requires excellent analysing skills and a diplomatic approach. Digital HR platforms, on the other hand, allows you to systematically shortlist and identify best candidates, so the risk of onboarding mediocre talent is low.

Workforce Analytics reinvented with Digital HR

Ever since the digital era has evolved, organisations have been keen on investing in solutions for Human Capital Management and talent management. Using Digital HR systems as their guide, many companies pursue digitization to enhance productivity and efficiency in the HR department.

How will the workplace experience for Millennials transform with Digital HR?

Ever noticed that millennials always have a mobile in their hand? Or any other electronic device for that matter. Millennials are the ones who were born in a digital age, and they expect the world to be as fast-moving as they are. Which is why we’re discussing the fact that millennials expect a difference, they […]

Enhance employees’ workplace experience with Digital HR

Digital technology is pervading into every business and workplace. Workforces are getting transformed as more millennials and gen-Z employees keep joining companies. The need to enhance the employee experience and to make changes in your HR system is escalating rapidly.